To apply a credit card payment to a client ledger using the Staff Backend Portal
1. Go to the Staff Backend Portal
2. In the sidebar menu select "Clients" --> "Active Clients", and select your client
3. Select the "Account" tab, beneath the client image
4. Click the [+ Payment] button
5. In the "Services" section, click the [+ Add] button to add 1 (or more) services
6. In the "Billing" section, select the radio button next to the "billing account" relating to the card you are using
- Any billing account will do for the purposes of this training exercise and does not need to relate to the test card
7. Select the "Charge Card" tab beneath the "Billing" section and enter the card information
- Card Number - Located beneath the card holders name on front of CC
- Expiration - ex. 1220 (with no dashes { - } or slashes { / })
- CVV - 3 digit number located on the back of the card
8. NOTE - If you would like to save the card information for future payments click the box next to "Mark as reusable"
9. Click "Process" in the upper right hand corner of your screen to complete