This article will help guide you through the process of discharging your clients in the ARMS system.
1) Click on the "hamburger" to open the sidebar navigation menu then navigate to the bottom and click "Clients" and then click "Manage Clients".
2) Select the "Active Client" from your clients list that you wish to discharge and click 'view' to access their details page.
Notice we currently have 12 Active Clients in the image below.
There are two ways to view the client record.
Double click the line item with the client's name and picture.
Click once and then click the "View" button from the client information sidebar that pops over to the right.
3) Select the edit client button located on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
4) On the client edit view, select the button on the top right.
5) Select the appropriate reason for discharge from the status list.
In this example lets assume that John Snow would never ever abandon
(so we won't choose the "abandoned" status) his post and that he was injured in battle and must be discharged from the program due to medical reasons.
In this example we would select "medical" from the "Status" list as his reason for discharge.
6) Complete any notes that are related to his discharge and then select save.
He will now be moved to your inactive client list.
Notice now we have 11 active clients in the view and 1 Inactive Client (our recently discharged John Snow).
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