Issuing Client Portals & Resetting Passwords

Issuing Client Portals & Resetting Passwords

Issuing Client Portals

Clients interact with the Advanced Recovery Management System (ARMS) through what is known as the Client Portal. Portal content adjusts dynamically to fit the screen size of the device that client uses to login and is accessible through any web-enabled device, including tablets and smartphones.

This Portal provides clients the ability to:

View REC-CAP Results
View recovery capital measures
View longitudinal measures of change
Update recovery goal action items as completed
View and check-in at events posted to their calendar
Rate usefulness of resources tagged to action items
Electronically execute (sign) agreements & disclosures
View history of all executed documents & disclosures
View account history and current balance owed
Make payment by debit or credit card

Clients may choose to authorize a Family & Friends Portal be issued to a family member and/or a recovery support that provides limited access to the features listed above. Visit Family & Friends Portal article to learn more. This is an essential tool. All new clients should be issued a Client Portal at the time of their enrollment. To provide clients with access to the Client Portal follow the steps outlined below:

1) Login to ARMS and navigate to the top left corner of your screen and select the menu button From the side menu select 'Clients'  
2) Select the Client you'd like to issue a login for 
3) Click the green edit client button located on the bottom right of your screen 
4) Scroll down to the 'Client Portal' card and complete the fields 

Email: Enter the email address for the client 
Phone Number: Enter the client's phone number
Address, City, State & Postal Code: Enter the clients street address, city, state, and postal code in the corresponding fields
Username: Create a username the client will use to login to their portal
Temporary Password: Enter a temporary password the client will use to login to their portal for the first time. They will be prompted to change it immediately after logging in for the first time. 
Preferred communication method: Select how the client prefers to receive communications from ARMS 
6) Scroll back to the top of the screen and select save
The client will receive a welcome email to the email address entered above which will include a link to login, their username, and the temporary password you've assigned. Please note, the client portal website is different from yours. In order for clients to login to their portal they will need to click on the link in their email, or go to to sign in. 

Resetting Passwords

To reset the password for a client who is having trouble accessing their portal, follow the steps for issuing a portal and just enter a new temporary password and save the record. The client will then be notified based on their preferred communication preferences that a temporary password has been issued and will be provided with a link to login and create a new one.

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